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The titles of carried essays are shown in order of the latest issue.


Searching based on specified conditions
  If you combine several conditions, enter each of the words to click in the bottom to select "Searching based on all conditions".
*Searching by keywords: (Enter keywords.)
and Search: Enter keywords, inserting one character of space between those keywords. The essays containing entered keywords are searched (e.g. dementia elderly scale).
or Search:
The search is performed based on either of word "A" or "B". Enter a separator "|" between words (e.g. dementia|elderly).
*Searching by author's name. 
*Searching by title. 
(The essays containing the entered words within the title are shown.)
*Searching by volume, number or the year of issue.
(First select the name of a magazine, and then enter the volume, number and/or year of issue of the magazine. The search can be performed based on any one of them.)
Year of Issue
Searching based on all conditions: